• Trading

    Fattal Holdings Ltd 1143429

    • Market Cap(Thousands)
      9044.730 ILS
    As of - 2024-12-10T00:00:01.0000000+02:00
    • Prev Close
    • Change
    As of -
    • Market Cap(Thousands)
      9044.730 ILS
    As of - 2024-12-10T00:00:01.0000000+02:00
    • Prev Close
      54970 ILS
    • Change
      -0.25 %
    As of - 2024-12-10T00:00:01.0000000+02:00

Corporate Overview

KPIs 2024 forecast 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
ADR 536 480 460 394 461
Occupancy 76% 69% 42% 29% 79%
Revenue (NIS In thousands) 7,800,000-8,200,000 6,928,460 5,471,418 3,040,666 1,903,926 5,342,389
Total assets Adjusted (NIS In thousands) 13,617,123 11,752,250 9,782,857 9,918,571 21,788,467
EBITDAR (NIS In thousands) 2,800,000-3,100,000 2,452,450 1,825,010 1,186,543 246,846 1,810,609
Adjusted EBITDA (NIS In thousands) 1,600,000-1,800,000 1,045,000 745,923 376,007 -611,114 775,281
Adjusted Net Income (NIS In thousands) 219,619 114,163 -16,483 -1,100,994 228,312

Corporate Overview

Revenue (NIS In thousands) 7,800,000-8.200,000
Total assets Adjusted
(NIS In thousands)
EBITDAR (NIS In thousands) 2,800,000-3,100,000
Adjusted EBITDA
(NIS In thousands)
Adjusted Net Income
(NIS In thousands)


ADR 536
Occupancy 76%
Revenue (NIS In thousands) 6,928,460
Total assets Adjusted
(NIS In thousands)
EBITDAR (NIS In thousands) 2,452,450
Adjusted EBITDA
(NIS In thousands)
Adjusted Net Income
(NIS In thousands)
ADR 480
Occupancy 69%
Revenue (NIS In thousands) 5,471,418
Total assets Adjusted
(NIS In thousands)
EBITDAR (NIS In thousands) 1,825,010
Adjusted EBITDA
(NIS In thousands)
Adjusted Net Income
(NIS In thousands)


ADR 460
Occupancy 42%
Revenue (NIS In thousands) 3,040,666
Total assets Adjusted
(NIS In thousands)
EBITDAR (NIS In thousands) 1,186,543
Adjusted EBITDA
(NIS In thousands)
Adjusted Net Income
(NIS In thousands)


ADR 394
Occupancy 29%
Revenue (NIS In thousands) 1,903,926
Total assets Adjusted
(NIS In thousands)
EBITDAR (NIS In thousands) 246,846
Adjusted EBITDA
(NIS In thousands)
Adjusted Net Income
(NIS In thousands)
ADR 461
Occupancy 79%
Revenue (NIS In thousands) 5,342,389
Total assets Adjusted
(NIS In thousands)
EBITDAR (NIS In thousands) 1,810,609
Adjusted EBITDA
(NIS In thousands)
Adjusted Net Income
(NIS In thousands)
Security Price (0.01 NIS)

Trading Chart

11/12/2023 - 11/12/2024
11/11/2024 - 11/12/2024
04/12/2024 - 11/12/2024
10/12/2024 - 11/12/2024
11/06/2024 - 11/12/2024
11/12/2019 - 11/12/2024

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Dynamic Growth


The Fattal Hotel Group has obtained excellent ratings from the Big Three international credit rating agencies – S&P, Moody’s, and Fitch Group:

Rating Company Date Rating
Moodys 22.3.2018 B+, Positive Outlook Download
Standard & Poors 23.1.2018 B, Stable Outlook Download
Fitch 18.7.2017 B, Stable Outlook Download

Board of Directors

According to Report From 23/5/2024
Name Position Financial Specialty Audit Committee
Fattal David CEO and Director
Aka Shahar CFO and Director +
Yuval Bronstein Chairman of Directorate +
Yassur Tamar Outside Director + +
Altman Gideon Outside Director + +
Harel Shimshon Director + +

Board of Directors

According to Report From 23/5/2024
  • Fattal David
    CEO and Director
  • Aka Shahar
    CFO and Director
    Financial Specialty
  • Yuval Bronstein
    Chairman of Directorate
    Financial Specialty
  • Yacobi Yocheved
    Outside Director
    Financial Specialty | Audit Committee
  • Adler Shimshon
    Outside Director
    Financial Specialty | Audit Committee
  • Harel Shimshon
    Financial Specialty | Audit Committee

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